BSc. Chiro, M.Chiro

Since a young age, I have had a keen interest in the human body. Thanks to having over 10 years of experience in the gym and a background in rock-climbing and boxing, I have also had my fair share of injuries over the years, and this has led to my ever-growing fascination with pain and performance.
I first embarked on my journey with Necks Backs Sports in 2009, as a work experience student. My father had been a patient here and we lived in Castle Hill, so it seemed a natural fit. This was my first-ever exposure to the world of chiropractic, and it would suffice to say that it made a lasting impression!
After graduating from Castle Hill high School in 2011, I began my first year of an electrical apprenticeship, hoping to become an electrician. However, it seemed fated that I would eventually resume my journey in healthcare, when I returned as a patient in 2012. Shortly after this, I decided to pursue my interests and in 2013, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science at Macquarie University. It was at this time that I started my job as a chiropractic assistant here at Necks Backs Sports. In 2018, I graduated from my Master of Chiropractic at Macquarie University, and in 2019, I finally came on board as a chiropractor. Becoming a chiropractor here at Necks Backs Sports, has allowed me to develop my interests into a simple mission: to Make a Difference to as many lives as possible, using the highest-quality, evidence-based care available. What I love the most about coming to work, is knowing that I have a busy book full of patients who are happy to see me, who are committed to getting outstanding results, who trust me enough to happily refer their families and friends, and who leave glowing reviews!
As we are a group practice, I can apply over 30 years of combined experience in clinical practice, in order to achieve the best outcome possible. Having also been through various injuries and surgical procedures myself, I am able to use my own experiences to even further understand my patients and speed up their recovery. Most importantly however, the team and I here at Necks Backs Sports, recognise the importance of Continuous, Life-Long Learning, and this is something that I strive to pass on to my patients, as we level up together.