What Are Shin Splints?
Shin splints are a common condition affecting athletes, runners, and people of all ages. The throbbing pain along the shinbone (tibia) can be debilitating causing frustration. But fear not! With the right knowledge and approach, you can overcome shin splints and get back on track toward your fitness goals.
Recognizing the Symptoms:
You’ll likely notice symptoms such as:
- Dull, aching pain along the inner edge of the shinbone, worsening during or after physical activity.
- Swelling or inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue around the tibia (shinbone).
What’s the Cause?
They often occur due to repetitive stresses above tissues, from activities like running, jumping, or dancing or sports such as soccer and football. Improper footwear, sudden increases in intensity or duration of activity, and poor posture and alignment (biomechanics) can contribute to their development.
How do we help?…..
- We help the inflammation by using different massage techniques, including ultrasound massage.
- We help the pain by using dry needling.
- We relieve the stress on the bones by decreasing the tension in surrounding muscles.
- We address any joint misalignments in the back, hips, knees and ankles.
- We strengthen tissues weakened by injury with graded and specific strength and conditioning programs.
To address this, it is vital to first control the pain. As pain is under control, we can transition into the strengthening phase through a structured rehabilitation addressing your specific deficits in alignment, mobility and strength. Through this process we will be able to get you back on the field and prevent it from coming back!
Prevention Tips:
- Warm up before exercise to prepare your muscles for activity and reduce the risk of injury.
- Pay attention to your body’s signals and address any discomfort or pain promptly.
- Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to prevent overloading your shins.
- Incorporate proper rest days into your training schedule to allow for adequate recovery.
- Address problems with uneven hips, different leg lengths (affecting walking and running)
Call us on (02) 9659 2666 or make an online booking, don’t let shin splints keep you from reaching your full potential any longer.
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