Without stress in our lives, the world would be very boring. Stress is a response that is meant to elevate the heart rate, give us a heightened sense of awareness and promote what is known as a fight-or-flight response in response to a perception of a threat or threatening situation. This response is necessary for our survival. Without challenges, we would probably sink into laziness and complacency. The abnormal part of stress occurs when it is continuous and unrelenting. The issues tend to arise when we perceive every situation as a potential threat. This is known as chronic stress and leads to a whole range of effects on our bodies. In particular, we deal with the muscle, joint and nervous systems of the body. Chronic stress taxes the nervous system and depletes it. Muscles tighten with very little provocation and breathing gets shallow and fast. All of this tends to lead to a great deal of symptoms that we see in the clinic.
This clinic provides several solutions to the problem and our therapists endeavor to act like a circuit breaker so that we can reset particular levels of perception and reset expectations so that stress can be managed better. The
combination of therapies that we have at our clinic including massage, acupuncture, exercise and manipulation, all serve to reduce the effects of stress and make it easier for someone to recognize how stress is affecting their bodies. We also have a range of relaxation classes and meditation classes that are designed to heighten our ability to manage our stress better.
Part II of this series in the next newsletter will deal in more detail with precisely how these therapies help modulate the stress response, however, should you have any more questions, please feel free to ask one of our practitioners or ask someone at the front desk about how approaches at our clinic can help with managing your stress levels.